Customer Testimonials

  • Scott Jones – Managing Director – Leighton Buzzard – Manual Handling
    Wallace Cameron Training we have just had our Manual Handling course which took place on a Saturday due to our companies other commitments during the week. I really appreciate a company that can work with you to suit your needs and is not just a 9 -5 Monday to Friday service.
  • “Our employees were impressed with the engagement throughout the course, level of trainer’s knowledge and practical examples. We’ve just booked some further training and won’t stop there - I’d thoroughly recommend this company! “ – Manager at the Brooklands Bakery

  • Mr Manning - Health and Safety Manager - 1 Day Emergency First Aid Training
    Wallace Cameron Training arranged the course at very short notice to accommodate our needs. It went very well and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it. I will be looking to organise another course as soon as possible with Wallace Cameron Training!
  • Our One day first aid course which we had at BodyWorksWest was really informative, planned and set out incredible well, on top of this our trainer Carl added some humor which aided in all my staff learning and taking in the information given to them more effectively. I would Highly recommend this course, would rate it 5 star.
  • School Business Manager at Moorside Community Primary School – “Great delivery of first aid course, trainer kept all staff engaged throughout. Booking was easy and very flexible and good price too”
  • Louise Baker – Procurement team – Birmingham – 3 day First Aid at Work
    I recently booked an in-house 3 day course with Wallace Cameron Training, I found the whole overall service great my account handler took away the stress I normally have with other providers. I had excellent feedback from all the students that went on the course. I am now happy to use Wallace Cameron Training as our sole provider for our companies training needs.